quality Standards
World-class standard defines our success as the front-runner in the seafood manufacturing industry.
Our Quality Commitment
“Customer satisfaction with quality,
delivery, hygiene, service and
care of the environment”
Productivity and Quality
Thailand 5S Award from the Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan)
Thailand 5S Award 2009 "Silver Award", "Popular Vote" and "Booth Vote"
Thailand Kaizen Award from the Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan)
Thailand Kaizen Award 2012 "Golden Award" (Kaizen Suggestion System)
Thailand Kaizen Award 2012 "Silver Award" (Kaizen for Office)
Thailand Kaizen Award 2010-2013 "Certificate" (Kaizen Suggestion System and Kaizen for Office)
Innovation Award from the National Innovation Agency
Thailand Top 10 Software Award 2013
TQM best practice from the TQM best Co.,Ltd.
TQM best practice award 2011-2013